If you have any questions, please contact us.

Successful applicants need to complete the entrance procedures the month before the admission.

Admission Entrance procedures
October yyyy September yyyy

If you do not complete the entrance procedures within the prescribed entrance procedures period, you will be regarded as enrollment declining and cannot enter Chiba University (CU).

(Click the + button to see details.)

Receive a Letter Pack Plus (for domestic delivery) or EMS (for international shipping).

Before starting Online Entrance Procedures, you may receive and read through ‘Entrance Procedures Guidebook’ and other important documents carefully that CU will send to the successful applicants by mail* (around early September in the admission year for October admission), and may find out the process to complete through STEP 1 and STEP 2 below.

It should be needed the recipient’s signature to receive.
If you would like to change the address that was submitted us at the time of admission application submission, please inform us so before we arrange delivery. (The Admission Ticket with application code may be submitted us as ID confirmation for the address change.)
Please be sure to inform us in advance if you plan to go back to your parent’s home, move, go to academic conference, study abroad, go back to your home country or others around the time of the delivery, and you cannot receive them.
When you find Delivery Notice, you need to contact the post office and arrange the redelivery (online or on the telephone) by yourself according to the Delivery Notice WITHIN A WEEK.

STEP 1 Online Entrance Procedure System (for all CU Graduate Schools)

Start the Online Entrance Procedures.

Completing the Online Entrance Procedures
You need to complete the entrance procedures through the Online Entrance Procedure System from the URL in the below table within the prescribed entrance procedures period. (Entrance procedures period varies according to the admission type.)

Reading the guidebooks and information in advance
You can view the following information from the URL in the below table (available before the entrance procedures period).

  • Entrance Procedures Guidebook for graduate
  • System Operation Procedure
    (You can see “Admission fee payment” information on p.7. There is no field for entering the credit card holder’s name in the System when you choose the payment by credit card. It is available to use that credit card for the payment process even if the card holder’s name (e.g. one’s parent’s one) is different from the applicant’s one.
  • Required Documents for all CU Graduate Schools
  • Contact information

Admission type CU Graduate School of Informatics October 2024 admission
Doctoral program
Online Entrance Procedures Period Fri., September 6, 15:00 to
Fri., September 13, 15:00, 2024 Japan time
URL https://www.chiba-u.ac.jp/campus-life/entrance_procedures.html
Submission of required documents When By the final day of the entrance procedures period above at 16:00 Japan time
How Submit by A or B as below before the above deadlines. No advance notification is necessary.
A: Mail without fail, or
B: Drop-in in person

Note for the above option B
・Office hours: Mon. to Fri., 8:30 to 17:00, except national holidays
・No envelope should be needed for submission.
Where See the above contact information of Engineering fields.
Note ・Written Guarantee (Int’l students with student visa are not available.)
It requires an original guarantor’s signature. Allow plenty of time for the document to submit before the deadline if you need to send and receive the one by mail to/from your parent.

How to register your name in Kanji in the Online Entrance Procedures System and writings of your name after enrollment

If you have any kanji characters that cannot be entered into the admission procedure system, please submit a "学籍氏名(漢字)訂正届(Notification of Correction of Student Name (Kanji))" along with your admission procedure documents.

How to register Residence Card information in the Online Entrance Procedures System (for applicants living overseas currently)

If you are international applicants who live overseas currently without Residence Card, please enter with the below details at the time of entry into the system.
・Residence card number: DD99999999DD
・Expiry date: 9999 Year 12 Month 31 Day
(Please visit and view page 3 of the “System Operation Procedure” on the website.)

Residence Card (called Zairyu Card):
It is a card issued to foreign nationals residing legally in Japan for the mid to long-term who have resident status, by Japanese Government at the arrival airport in Japan.

Submission of a Letter Pack Plus (red) for return envelope for sending an Admission Letter

That is required to submit us with other documents by the above submission deadlines (the final day of the entrance procedures period above at 16:00 Japan time). It is available to buy at any post office or some convenience stores in Japan. No stamp required. It includes the mail charge. However, those who live overseas do not need to submit because that is available for use only for domestic mail in Japan. Please read the details as below for your information.
The Admission Letter (called Nyugaku Kyoka-sho) should be mailed in that Letter Pack Plus (red) envelope.
Please refer to the “Guide to Chiba University Entrance Procedures, For International Students Admitted to Graduate Schools” on the website.

  Applicant living
in Japan outside of Japan
Submission of the Letter Pack Plus (red) for return envelope for sending the Admission Letter Addressee When using the sender address label It is NOT required to submit.
The Letter Pack Plus is only for domestic delivery. It is not available for use for overseas shipping.
Print and paste the sender address label (for Letter Pack Plus envelope) after entering the required information in the system.
Enter your name and address in the recipient field.
(See the “Guide to CU Entrance Procedures” on the website.)
When filling out directly
Fill out the below items on the envelope for submission.
1. Zip/Postal code (the top of the envelope)
2. Recipient's address available for receiving at the time of delivery as below
3. Applicant’s name and APPLICATION CODE
4. Phone number

You do not need to fill out. It will be written by CU.

“Contents Description”
You do not need to fill out. It will be written by CU.
Note Submission by mail
You can fold it in half.

Submission by drop-in in person
You do not need to fold.

Sticker of delivery tracking code on the envelope
Submit without removing the sticker that CU use when delivering it to you.
Delivery of the Admission Letter When It will be sent by the end of Sep. after the entrance procedures deadlines.
How The Admission Letter (called Nyugaku Kyoka-sho) should be mailed in the Letter Pack Plus (red) envelope.

Receiving the Letter Pack Plus (red)
It needs the recipient’s name stamp or his/her signature when receiving in person.
When you find Delivery Notice, you need to contact the post office and arrange the redelivery (online or on the telephone) by yourself according to the Delivery Notice WITHIN A WEEK.

Admission Letter
You need to show us the one to receive the Student ID Card in person early Oct. after enrollment.

Student ID Card Delivery
Please see the details in STEP 2.
it will be mailed to the address in your home country written on the Admission Application Form as long as you inform us no advance notice as below.

please attach a note as below when you submit us the required documents for entrance procedures by mail (by the final day of the entrance procedures period above at 16:00 Japan time).
1. Application code
2. Applicant’s name
3. I would like to receive the Admission Letter in person at the office on campus after arriving in Japan.
4. Arrival date in Japan

When we find the above note with the required documents, the Admission Letter will not be mailed and be handed you in person at the office after your arriving in Japan.

What to bring as ID
1. Acceptance Letter (Gokaku Tsuchi-sho), or
2. Admission Ticket with application code (Juken-hyo)

Submission of Graduation/Completion Certificate for the entrance procedures

Successful applicants who submitted us the ‘EXPECTED Graduation/Completion Certificate’ at the time of submission of admission application materials, now need to submit us the ‘Graduation/Completion Certificate’ at the time of entrance procedures. Please see below and each applicable applicant should submit us each required certificate by the prescribed deadlines.

At the time of admission application At the time of entrance procedures
Submitted Certificate Applicant type Submission of Graduation/Completion Certificate
Graduation/Completion Certificate All applicants who were graduated (completed) from university, (Japan) National Institute of Technology (called Kosen) or others Not required
EXPECTED Graduation/Completion Certificate Applicants who were EXPECTED to graduate (complete) from university Required*
Applicants who were EXPECTED to graduate (complete) from CU Not required (It should be checked on the situation by CU.)
Applicants who were EXPECTED to complete the Advanced Course at (Japan) National Institute of Technology (called Kosen) Required*
Application of Awarded Academic Degree Certificate Awarded Academic Degree Certificate Required*
EXPECTED Professional Degree Certificate Applicants who were EXPECTED to complete professional degree program Required*

*Notes for submitting above required certificates for entrance procedures

Graduation/Completion Certificate:
CERTIFIED COPY CERTIFICATE with official and original university stamp or signature is available for submission.
Be sure you may NOT send us the original and official Certificate or Diploma by mail to prevent mailing accidents.

Graduation/Completion Ceremony at your home university is held: How When
BEFORE the entrance procedures to CU and you are ready for submission. Submit it with other required materials to CU.
Write your APPLICATION CODE at the bottom-right of the certificate or the envelope with a black ballpoint pen.
By the prescribed deadlines without fail.
AFTER the entrance procedures to CU and you are not ready for submission. Only the Graduation/Completion Certificate and the Awarded Academic Degree Certificate are accepted to submit after the entrance procedures.
Write your APPLICATION CODE at the bottom-right of the certificate or the envelope with a black ballpoint pen.
When you submit other materials except that certificate by the deadlines, attach a below note to them.
1) Application code
2) Applicant’s name
3) Date of Graduation/Completion Ceremony
4) Expected date for late submission
5) Phone number
6) Email address
(By the prescribed deadlines without fail.)

STEP 2 Additional documents required by the Graduate School of Informatics

The accepted applicants for the master’s/doctoral programs who have completed STEP 1 as above, should below to check the additional documents required by the Graduate School of Informatics.
The required documents vary depending on the fields. Be sure to choose the applicable one of yours.

Additional documents for applicants in Informatics required by the Graduate School

There may be some changes in the below information before the entrance procedures period. You should recheck the updated information before submission.

Download and print out, then submit the below documents by each deadline with/after the submission of the STEP 1 documents.

Document File Applicant type Deadline Submit to
Japanese Non-Japanese with visa of
Student Others
1. Course plan for MASTER’S student of Graduate School of Informatics,
Research guidance plan for Graduate School of Informatics
October 25, 2024 Your academic advisor
2. Course plan for DOCTORAL student of Graduate School of Informatics,
Research guidance plan for Graduate School of Informatics
3. Research Ethics Education (e-learning)* October 29, 2024
4. 学内に保管されている資料等の取扱いに関する同意書
(Japanese version available: Consent form for the handling of materials and others that are in safekeeping in the university)
5. Information Sheet of Passport and Residence Card* N/A The final day of entrance procedures period Graduate Student Affairs Unit
6. The International Student Survey* N/A
7. Temporary departure from Japan,
Change/Registration of your address/contact information in Japan*
N/A Submit each time.
8. 海外渡航届*
(Overseas Travel Notification)
Submit each time.
(Pledge for Study Abroad (for Individual Travel))
9. 渡航情報報告シート*
(Travel Information Report Sheet)
Submit each time.
10. 長期履修学生制度について*
(Japanese version available: System of completion of curricula in longer term for the applicable students only)
N/A The final day of entrance procedures period

3*: You need your NEW Student ID Card Number that will be issued in October, for your ID and password to log in.
After completing the course of APRIN e-learning program, get a CCR (Course Completion Report) issued, and then submit it with the above sheet 1 or 2, the “Course plan” to your academic advisor.
5* and 6*: Those who live currently outside Japan, should submit us the sheets AFTER arriving in Japan and receiving a Residence Card.
Residence Card (called Zairyu Card):
It is a card issued to foreign nationals residing legally in Japan for the mid to long-term who have resident status, by Japanese Government at the arrival airport in Japan.
7*: Each sheet should be submitted us every time you leave Japan or change residence.
8* and 9*: Each sheet should be submitted us every time you leave Japan.
9* ※Please ask your academic advisor to fill out the "Overseas Travel Information Sheet".
10*: In advance, you should discuss with your academic advisor about the matter, request us the application form and submit us the one.

Other additional documents including important information.
Read them and register if you need.

Document File Applicant type Registration
Japanese Non-Japanese with visa of
Student Others
12. For new students:
To apply for scholarships, you are required to register for scholarship applicants in 2024
N/A N/A    
13. Delivery of Student ID Card or others    
16. R6後期入学生一般定期健康診断のお知らせ
(General Regular Health Check-up Information)
      Please respond according to the notice.
17.Health Checkup For International Students     Those who are interested should submit the Application form for Health Checkup For International Students to the Graduate School of Engineering Academic Affairs Section by Friday,October 4,2024.
Application form for Health Checkup For International Students